The Silomat® carriage is the synthesis of 50 years of evolution and innovation. It is at the heart of the parking system as it is a device dedicated to the direct movement of automobiles. The Silomat® carriage summarises the most technologically advanced product offered today on the automatic car park market. It is the most compact complete movement carriage in the history of automatic car parks. The main functions of a vehicle movement carriage, that is, centring, lifting and traversing, are realised for the first time in one sole device which also boasts the best performance in terms of speed and space-saving compared to all its competitors.

The car transfer carriage is the ideal solution for all applications where the available area to be dedicated to parking is limited, its technology is the focus of dozens of installations around the world which have allowed Sotefin SA to be the world leader in this market.

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Call us : +971 4 325 6555

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